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The Brain Week is a global campaign to build public enthusiasm and support for brain science.

Each year in March, participants organise imaginative activities in their communities to raise awareness of the wonders of the brain and the impact of brain science on our daily lives.


This year again Belgium is involved and more than 20 events are organised:


Date: Wednesday 14 March from 12:00 to 14:00

Location: Campus du Solbosch Building S Auditoire Dupréel 44 av Jeanne 1050 Brussels

Sandwiches offered BUT Registration is mandatory by sending an email to

Registration closes on THURSDAY 9 March at 12:00 

The speakers

Odile Feys

Laboratory of Translational Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

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How does the brain work when it is sick?

The development of techniques for investigating the human brain has led to improved diagnosis of many neurological diseases. Structural imaging makes it possible to identify brain lesions. Functional imaging and neurophysiology allow us to observe the functioning and dysfunction of the brain. The continuous improvement of these techniques offers an increasingly precise picture of the brain's architecture and the impact of diseases on its foundations.

Their combination allows us to observe different facets of brain function.

Together we will go through the evolution of these different techniques using various examples of neurological diseases.

Andrea Giovanni Reina

from IRIDIA (Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory) 

Bees can reveal secrets of human brain function

In the course of my research, I discovered that observing the organisation of a bee colony and drawing parallels with the organisation of neurons can help us better understand the basic mechanisms of human behaviour. In particular, I studied how bees decide where to build their hive by applying a mathematical model, and considered the bee colony as a single superorganism that exhibits a coordinated response to external stimuli.

My study concluded that the way bees talk to each other and make decisions is similar to the way neurons in the human brain communicate with each other.

Finding similarities between the behaviour of bweeoporpldula'stiomns aonsd the brain is particularly useful because observing the behaviour of bees choosing their hive is much easier than studying the neurons that make decisions.


The lecture by IRIDIA researcher, Giovanni Reina: Bees can reveal thesecrets of human brain function can be seen and heard again on by clicking the button below.

Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to build public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Each year in March, participants organise imaginative activities in their communities to raise awareness of the wonders of the brain and the impact of brain science on our daily lives.

This year's speakers are Odile Feys from the Laboratory of Translational Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging who will speak about "How does the brain work when it is sick?", as well as Andrea Giovanni Reina from IRIDIA (Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory) whose intervention will be on "Bees can reveal secrets of human brain function".


The Brain Week, organised every year in about a hundred countries around the world, is a unique opportunity for exchanges between the public and scientists on the challenges of brain knowledge for society.

From 14 to 18 March 2023, UCLouvain, UCLouvain Culture, Arte-Fac and the Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) are joining forces to offer you a week of free activities to discover, in a playful and scientific way, the biodiversity of intelligences. Let your brain enjoy it!


Tuesday 14/03/23 - 18h00 - Phil'Alma reading circle debate

Phil'Alma, the reading circle of the Alma site, proposes a debate around several books dealing with the diversity of intelligences. Among them, "Nos intelligences multiples" by Josef Schovanec
Where: Auditoires Centraux - 51, Avenue Mounier - 1200 Brussels (Campus UCLouvain Bruxelles Woluwe)

Wednesday 15/03/23 - time to be confirmed - Collective intelligence games evening

Linking our specific faculties and sensitivities to build a rich common resource? ARTE-FAC, the UdA and Kot-é-Jeux are offering you a fun and friendly evening through various games that activate our collective intelligence. Everyone is welcome!
Where: Espace ARTE-FAC - 50, Avenue Hippocrate, 1200 Brussels (UCLouvain Brussels Woluwe campus)

Thursday 16/03/23 - 19h00 - Movie night

ARTE-FAC and Moovikot invite you to rediscover this other form of intelligence, autism, from a different angle. The programme includes the screening of Barry Levinson's classic "Rain Man" and Vanessa Bapst's documentary "Autism in women: the invisible difference".
Where: Espace ARTE-FAC - 50, Avenue Hippocrate, 1200 Brussels (UCLouvain Brussels Woluwe campus)

Saturday 18/03/23 - 18h30 to 20h30 - Conference-Show

Enter the heart of the human brain and its multiple functions, with the lecture-show "Cerebrum" by Yvain Juillard. An odyssey through memory, sensations and consciousness.
This 'spectacular cogitation' will be followed by an exchange with Yvain Juillard, Marc Crommelinck (professor emeritus of the Institute of Neuroscience of the UCLouvain), Valérie Goffaux (professor of the Institute of Neuroscience and the Institute of Research in Psychological Sciences of the UCLouvain) and the public.

Where: Wolubilis - 1, Cours Paul-Henri Spaak - 1200 Brussels

Workshops in schools

The Institute of Neuroscience will organise, in collaboration with Science Infuse, several scientific workshops led by young researchers and aimed at pupils of the 5-6th secondary level.
For more information, please contact:

Managing sleep disorders

In the framework of the brain week, the Advisory Council for the Elderly of Molenbeek Saint Jean organises a conference on Sleep.

Date: Friday 17 March at 7 pm
Place: Salle des Chevaliers Château du Karreveld ave De La Housse 1080 Bxl

Speaker: Johan Newell, head of the sleep lab at Brugmann

  • Free entrance sandwiches and drinks available to be paid on the spot

The annual Brain Awareness Week is from March 13 to 19, 2023. This week, national and international attention is paid to the brain and our mental health.

Theme: Brain under pressure

"A little stress is a normal part of our daily lives, which can even be good for us. Overcoming stressful events can make us more resilient. But chronic or repetitive stress can have a huge impact on our brains, putting us at risk for a number of physical and psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety and burnout. Fortunately, there are ways to tackle chronic stress, ranging from early detection of stress triggers/cues our bodies give us, to mindfulness exercises to relax, to physical exercises such as neurobics.

Researchers from the Leuven Brain Institute have prepared many inspiring lectures and active workshops. Young and old can discover in a playful way how their body and brain work together (or against each other)". - KU LEUVEN

Last events - 2023


Monday 20 March 2023 - "Exploring the brain": a learning activity about neuroanatomy through illustration and play.
All day, by reservation, for pupils of 5-6th secondary. More info and registration to come on


Discover the breathtaking saga of brain development as part of Brain Week.

A lecture by Dr Christophe Barrea which inaugurates a series of lectures entitled "Brain, health and mental health".

A collaboration between the University of Liège, REALiSM (an intersectoral network focusing on the mental health and well-being of children, adolescents and families) and Open Ado (the centre for children/adolescents of the Province of Liège).

Conference: The development of the brain by Dr. Christophe Barrea 
DATE: Tuesday 14 March 2023 - 8 pm
PLACE: Institute of Zoology - Quai Van Beneden, 22 - 4020 Liège


On Tuesday morning 14/3/2023, we will once again organise our MOM4Y festival for 2nd and 3rd year students.

The free festival will take place between 9am and 12pm (doors from 8am) at De Centrale in Ghent.

Address: Kraankinderstraat 2, 9000 Ghent. Entrance at the corner of Ham 72. Walking distance (12 min, 900m) from Ghent - Dampoort station.


World parkinson’s disease day 2023 - 25th anniversary of the Apk



After having addressed “Drug therapeutic innovations” during World Day 2022, this 2023 day will be devoted to non-drug interventions, for the best quality of life, including in particular adapted and regular physical and sporting activities, but also music therapy and other Arts. which flourishes our humanity.

The free festival will take place between 9am and 12pm (doors from 8am) at De Centrale in Ghent.

Address: Kraankinderstraat 2, 9000 Ghent. Entrance at the corner of Ham 72. Walking distance (12 min, 900m) from Ghent - Dampoort station.


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